APPH Phase Noise Analyzer – from 1 MHz to 7 / 26 / 40 GHz

1 MHz to 7 / 26 / 40 GHz Signal Source Analyzer

The APPH is a high-performance phase noise analyzer and tester with models from 1 MHz up to 7, 26 or 40 GHz. It offers an indispensable set of measurement functions for evaluating signal sources (crystal oscillators, VCOs, transmitters, phase locked loops, frequency synthesizer and more, ranging from VHF to microwave frequencies), but also active and passive nonself oscillating devices like amplifiers, or frequency dividers. The functions include absolute and additive phase noise, amplitude noise, jitter and Allan deviation, transient analysis, VCO characterization and spectrum monitoring.

A mixed-signal system architecture with a FPGA cross-spectrum engine enables very fast signal processing and ultra-low phase noise sensitivity.

Built-in programmable power supplies and low-noise tuning voltages make the unit extremely flexible and easy to use.

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The APPH is a fully contained signal source analyzer with models up to 7, 26 and 40 GHz. It offers an indispensable set of measurement functions for evaluating signal sources ranging from VHF to microwave frequencies but also active and passive non self oscillating devices like amplifers, or frequency dividers. A mixed-signal system architecture with an FPGA cross correlation engine enables very fast signal processing and ultra-low phase noise sensitvity.

Measurements can be performed with the provided desktop software or with individual scripts using the remote SCPI interface for automated testing.

Built-in programmable power supplies and low noise tuning voltages make the unit extremely flexible and easy to use.

The full set of measurement capabilities includes:

  • absolute phase noise measurement of continuous wave and pulse modulated signals to characterize oscillators, synthesizers, signal generators and other self oscillating setups
  • residual phase noise measurement of continuous wave and pulse modulated signals, used to characterize amplifiers, up/down converters, mixers, dividers and other non self oscillating components
  • amplitude noise measurement of continuous wave signals
  • time stability measurement to characterize Allan deviation, derived from phase noise or from long term frequency measurements up to several days
  • transient analysis to measure signal transients or modulations with a resolution down to 16ns
  • fully automated oscillator characterization of voltage controlled oscillators (VCO), including the parameters frequency, power, current consumption, pushing and phase noise
  • monitoring spectrum of a single carrier signal

The APPH is suitable for many applications:

  • phase and amplitude noise measurement of signal sources in labs
  • evaluating pulsed signals and amplifier stages
  • automated testing in production lines
  • analyzing frequency and power transients, modulations, and long term behaviour of signals
Frequency Range

APPH20G: 1 MHz to 26 GHz, APPH40G: 1 MHz to 40 GHz, APPH6040: 1 MHz to 7 GHz

Input Power Range

-15 to +20 dBm

Analysis Range

0.01 Hz to 100 MHz

Dimensions (W x L x H), Weight

467.5 x 342 x 154 mm [18.4 x 13.5 x 6.1 in], 10 kg

Measurements Supported

Allan deviation, amplitude noise (CW & pulsed), frequency counter, jitter, phase noise (absolute & additive, CW, pulsed or burst-mode), spectrum monitoring, transients of frequency / power / phase, VCO test bench


The APPH is an all in one compact mesaurement system that offers a wide range of capabilities with measurements down to -190 dBc/Hz in an offset range from 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz.

By providing internal and external reference options, the flexibility and dynamic range of the system is increased. Internal references offer a fast measurement setup and quick measurements, while external references can improve the noise floor performance of the system.

Programmable low noise power supplies and a bias tune voltage port can be used to supply the DUT without the use of external power supplies.

The APPH can be controlled with the included desktop application that offers all measurement modes. Alternatively, the measurement instrument can also be controlled via SCPI interface over ethernet, USB or GPIB.


• Ultra-low phase noise crystal oscillator analysis
• Versatile phase noise and amplitude noise analysis
• Analysis of pulsed signals
• High-speed production testing of phase noise
• Additive phase noise characterization of amplifiers, transmitters, mixers
• Time stability analysis of clocks
• VCO testing
• Transient analysis of PLL settling times


AM Amplitude noise measurements

Ultra-low noise internal sources

Adds the option to activate low noise internal references that increase the close in phase noise performance for absolute phase noise measurements

PULSE Pulsed signal measurement
NPS Pulsed signal measurement with narrow pulses and very duty cycle

Burst mode phase noise measurement (requires option TRAN)

Allows to derive phase noise from narrow band transient analysis measurements. The frequency versus time measurement can be masked to select a specific time range, for which the phase noise will be calculated. Can derive phase noise for extreme pulsed modulation conditions, even aperiodic pulse trains and very long or short pulse parameters.


Additive phase noise measurement

Measure phase noise of non self oscillating components (amplifier, mixer, PLL)


Transient analysis

Short term time domain analysis of frequency, power and phase. Narrow band and wide band capabilities


Time stability analysis

Long term measurement of Allan deviation


VCO characterization

Automatic characterization of voltage controlled oscillators. Parameters are frequency, Kvco, current consumption, power output, pushing and phase noise.

SPEC Spectrum monitoring
LO Access to internal reference for residual phase noise measurement (requires option APN)
GPIB GPIB interface
WE One year warranty extension (standard: 2 years)
ReCal Recalibration with test data (recommended: two years interval)
Retrofit Applies when options are backordered
APPH6040 7 GHz Signal Source Analyzer
APPH20G 26 GHz Signal Source Analyzer
APPH40G 40 GHz Signal Source Analyzer
APNS Traceable AM / PN noise standard
PS06 1 – 6 GHz mechanical phase shifter
PS18 6 – 18 GHz mechanical phase shifter


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